11. Spring MVC @RequestMapping


Spring MVC @RequestMapping

In spring MVC @RequestMapping plays the role of mapping URL to the method of controller class.

In Spring MVC application we generally use a URL which calls the Controller. In the Controller to map a given URL we use @RequestMapping annotation. RequestMapping can be used in many ways.

1. RequestMapping at Class Level

2. RequestMapping only at Method level

3. @RequestMapping annotations at class level as well as method levels

4. RequestMapping using HTTP methods

5. @RequestMapping with @RequestParam

6. @RequestMapping with @PathVariable

1. RequestMapping at Class Level

@RequestMapping can be added at class Level. This way the URI provided will act as base URI for all other methods in the Controller class.


@RequestMapping(value = "/employee")

public class EmployeeController {

// Methods....


Now any requests with /employee as URL will hit this Controller class.

2. RequestMapping only at Method level

@RequestMapping is optional for class level and we can use it to annotate methods only.


public class EmployeeController 



    public String getAllEmployees(Model model)


        //application code

        return "employeesList";




    public String addEmployee(EmployeeVO employee)


        //application code

        return "employeesDetail";




    public String updateEmployee(EmployeeVO employee)


        //application code

        return "employeesDetail";



In the above example /employee-management/employees/add will call addEmployee(EmployeeVO employee) method.

3. @RequestMapping annotations at class level as well as method levels

In the below example @RequestMapping is applied to both class and method level.



public class EmployeeController 



    public String getAllEmployees(Model model)


        //application code

        return "employeesList";




    public String addEmployee(EmployeeVO employee)


        //application code

        return "employeesDetail";




    public String updateEmployee(EmployeeVO employee)


        //application code

        return "employeesDetail";


In the above example <BASE_URL>/employee-management/employees/add will call addEmployee(EmployeeVO employee) method.

4. RequestMapping using HTTP methods

We have different HTTP methods like POST, GET, DELETE etc. We can call a controller method for each of these methods using @RequestMapping and RequestMethod.


@RequestMapping(value = "/employee")

public class EmployeeController {


@RequestMapping(value = "/display", method = RequestMethod.GET)

public String showEmployeeForm() {

//Some Code.....



@RequestMapping(value = "/save", method = RequestMethod.POST)

public String saveEmployee() {

//Some Code.....



@RequestMapping(value = "/delete", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)

public String deleteEmployee() {

//Some Code.....




Also we can have one Controller method to use more than one RequestMethod. In below code if the URL is /display and HTTP method is either POST or GET, the showEmployeeForm() method will be called.

@RequestMapping(value = "/display", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST })

public String showEmployeeForm() {

return null;


5. @RequestMapping with @RequestParam

To fetch query string from the URL, @RequestParam is used as an argument.


public class EmployeeController {


public String getInfo(@RequestParam("id") String id) {

System.out.println("id:"+ id);

return "success";



If we access the URL as http://localhost:8080/sampleapp/fetch?id=KB100 then the id will be accessed by @RequestParam and the output will be KB100.

6. @RequestMapping with @PathVariable

To access path variable, spring provides @PathVariable that is used as an argument. We have to refer the variable in @RequestMapping using {}.


public String getInfo(@PathVariable("id") String id) {

   System.out.println("id:"+ id);

   return "success";


If we access the URL as /fetch/200, then the path variable id we will be assigned the value 200.


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